Chapter 6: Page 6
Scene change! sorry it took so long for this update, there has been camping and midterms and all sorts of shenanigans.
Chapter 6 will take us around a little bit… but it’s been a minute since we’ve seen Thali. Looking pretty swanky, eh?
Oh my a “Mphone” and the fear spreads..Do they have a Mdata plan now meany cantrips per minute do they get…
Will the mages find anything, will the roges/rangers win, will Lenna …It is a soap opera “As the Mage turns?”
OK, I want an ipad with gems in it now! :-)
…ooh. Me too.
yes it looks like she gained some rank or jewelry any way.
Bling almost always means importance, anthropologically speaking!
End of the relatively short archive.
Not a bad comic so far. Enjoyable, rather mysterious story.
Still creeped out by the whole finger thing.
Keep on keepin on! =3
Thanks for reading!
Yeah, everyone wants to avoid politics up until they discovers it all matters.
True story.